Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Hey Guys & Gals!
I came across a great devotional that inspired me and I wanted to share.

But as for me, I will always have hope;
I will praise you more and more.
My mouth will tell of your righteousness,
of your salvation all day long,
though I know not it's measure.
Psalm 7:14 - 15 NIV

Hope. A simple word. A powerful truth. A miraculous healing medicine. That is what hope means to me. The actual definition for hope is: Something good that you want to happen in the future, or a confident feeling about what will happen in the future.

Living each day with hope can change your entire outlook. I can't imagine life without hope. What an impact it would be in your life and the people around us if we lived with the firm, strong, grounded hope that comes from knowing God's goodness and salvation for us. That He hopes we will live life to it's fullest.
I know we as a team have plenty of "Hopes" for the soon coming two services. And just like the writer of this Psalm I will continue to hope in the good things, to praise God for his blessings on our church, the opportunity to tell others twice in one day of the hope of His righteousness and salvation!
Will you hope with me?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Leadership Forum with Dr. Rhoden

Hey guys & gals,
I wanted to say a belated thanks to all those who attended the Leadership Forum with Dr. Rhoden. I know we all came away with some great points of being leadersin our daily life & for the Way!

If you were not able to attend I don't want you to miss out so Ben's made some Forum Cd's, live audio from the night, and we'd love to give those to you this Sunday.

If you're interested in having a copy please respond and I'll have them with me this Sunday in Treehouse.
Thanks Team!!