Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Open invitation to impact

Each Sunday Parents are trusting us as a church to keep their children safe, happy, and learning for an hour and 10 minutes. What a privilege that is!

We have an open invitation to impact these children.

We need to GUARD that God given opportunity and continue our rapport with parents.

Ben and I are so grateful that our team gets it. You all are so excellent at remembering the small and repetitive details that keep our children safe.

2. Impact with  INTENT Through training
 a.      Guard the opportunity to plant a seed (safety/ distractions)

Here's a few highlight reminders about safety in FLM:

-Our numero uno policy- No child is ever alone with a volunteer. This means an adult 18+ and another volunteer must be present anytime children are present.

-Check in safety  Check for security badge numbers, names, and Lil Rippers stamps to match. This world is getting scarier and just because people are moms and dads doesn't make them safe. Those numbers need to match before a child leaves your care.

-Bathroom procedures- brush up on your very important bathroom procedures and other policies in the volunteer packet posted on our secure volunteer site!

All in all, God gave us a great opportunity, parents are in trusting us, and children are counting on us to not only show them their first impression of our Savior but to keep them in a safe environment while we do so.

Thank you all for being so efficient in our efforts for safety at Coastline!
Ashley and Ben Kingdon

//Side Note
-Spring Blockbuster is coming at you this week! Yeah!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Spring Blockbuster Roles

Hellooooo Team!!
Our first Official Blockbuster is almost over. Say goodbye to Winter & HELLO SPRING!

Our Spring Blockbuster will be months of March :: April :: May
We are creating the spring blockbuster next week to post for your review. This will include the one rotation for all three months.

Please take this week to look ahead at your Spring Calendars and decide at what capacity you can serve our awesome Coastline Kids. Consider your Spring Break and Easter plans so there can be very little updates to the rotation month to month.

Want to serve two Sundays a month (if you don't already), move to a teachers role, or lead more games in Lil Rippers?
We want to know! You have a whole week to discuss with God & your family what your Spring serving God looks like. We are praying for you too!

//Side notes:
1. Save the date for our FLM Winter Blockbuster Thank You Party on Friday the 28th. More details to follow!
2. You should've received an "e-vite" for a Sip and See hosted by volunteer Katie Mulvhill. It's Sat the 15th 11AM - 2PM and it's a come and go/ meet and greet at our home to meet our soon coming baby girl, Piper since Sundays are so busy! We'd love if you could swing in. If you didn't receive this e-vite e-mail us for details. 

Talk with you soon!
Ashley Kingdon

Monday, February 3, 2014

Quiet Time

Ask yourself honestly - Do you ever wake up and want to just pull the covers back over your head and let the day pass by? Don't kid yourself of course you do!
Sometimes life can weigh us down with all our appointments, meetings, school events, and just busy schedules. And often our reaction is to wake up and do the day - to - day just like we did yesterday. To get through it, to just obey, do, and do it all over again.

The problem is, this can carry into our areas of ministry where we serve. We can arrive on Sunday, check in kids, teach a lesson, do what we're asked, go home and leave little impact.

There's a simple principle that says "You can't give what you don't have." If someone really, desperately needs a car for transportation and you sincerely want to help them, wishing you could give them a car, but don't have a spare car you can't always go out a purchase a new one. It's just not that easy.
The same principle applies for our ministry. You can't give to children a relationship with Jesus if your relationship with Jesus isn't strong and kicking.

3. Show FRAMEWORK of a Christ follower     b.   Serve from the overflow of what God is doing in your personal life::Accountability:: 

Each month when you serve you have an opportunity to impact children in such a way that they build a life-long relationship with Jesus. Nothing in this world is more important than your relationship with Jesus.
Find time this week to create a nice quiet time for yourself. For you it may be in the morning when no one else is awake. Or it could be at night when you get a moment to yourself. Download a Bible app and spend time with God on your lunch break. We are accountable to the kids we serve in our relationship with Jesus.
Your quiet time doesn't have to be 30 minutes long and contain 8 passages a day. Adapt it to the way God speaks directly to you. If you get a fresh start in your day from spending 3 minutes reading His Word and telling Him how great He is…awesome! If you want to spend an hour worshiping Him to your favorite pray music…awesome! Whatever works for you is best. The idea is to create a time where you can give God your full attention. He gives you His all day long.

Serving from the overflow of what God is doing in your personal life will translate into Sunday mornings, the dinner table, work relationships, everywhere.
You can't give what you don't have.

Thanks for being intentional every Sunday you serve!
Ben & Ashley Kingdon