We have an open invitation to impact these children.
We need to GUARD that God given opportunity and continue our rapport with parents.
Ben and I are so grateful that our team gets it. You all are so excellent at remembering the small and repetitive details that keep our children safe.
2. Impact with INTENT Through training
a. Guard the opportunity to plant a seed (safety/ distractions)
Here's a few highlight reminders about safety in FLM:
-Our numero uno policy- No child is ever alone with a volunteer. This means an adult 18+ and another volunteer must be present anytime children are present.
-Check in safety Check for security badge numbers, names, and Lil Rippers stamps to match. This world is getting scarier and just because people are moms and dads doesn't make them safe. Those numbers need to match before a child leaves your care.
-Bathroom procedures- brush up on your very important bathroom procedures and other policies in the volunteer packet posted on our secure volunteer site!
All in all, God gave us a great opportunity, parents are in trusting us, and children are counting on us to not only show them their first impression of our Savior but to keep them in a safe environment while we do so.
Thank you all for being so efficient in our efforts for safety at Coastline!
Ashley and Ben Kingdon
//Side Note
-Spring Blockbuster is coming at you this week! Yeah!