Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Showing Up

Hello amazing team, 
Let me start by saying Family Life Ministries simply does not happen without you.
Joe and I can plan, and create, and design, and work all week long. But at the end of the day - it's not until you SHOW UP that God begins working on hearts and families are blessed. 

Ministry is more than just SHOWING UP though. When you arrive to serve in Family Life Ministries you're helping to Impact Future Generations for Jesus and making a difference in little lives and their families. You're serving in a role designed to teach and inspire our most precious people. 
But SHOWING UP is often . . . not enough. As leaders your best tool is to be ENGAGED!

When I get home from work as often need 20-30 minutes to relax and regroup. But Piper hasn't seen her daddy all day and rotates around me like the moon around the earth. She follows me as I take off my shoes, as I go grab water, and when I finally sit she's not satisfied with sitting directly next to me. She has to be right on top of me and begging for me to pay her 100% attention. 
These are such critical moments in her life. If I chose to ignore her for 5 minutes when she most wants to be near me it can leave a lasting impression on her that I'm disengaged. 

Serving is all about ENGAGEMENT. How you respond and communicate to kids may not seem like a big deal at the time. But kids are going to connect with leaders who ENGAGE in them rather than just SHOW UP. When they grow up they may not remember every detail of the lessons you taught or be able to recite the entire "Lord's Prayer." But, they will remember a leader who was kind at all times, when someone was interested in them, and when someone showed them love. 
These lasting impression give them the best example of what a Christ follower should be like. They'll base so much of their walk with God on what they experienced in these early years. 

When you walk through the doors of Family Life Ministries we're expecting you to ENGAGE
Families depend on it. Think of this one hour as your chance to leave such an impact in these little lives that they desire to walk closer to God. How do you accomplish that? ENGAGE in them. 

Thanks again for all you do. We love you much and pray for you often!

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