Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Psalm 116

Hey team!
Psalm 116 is such a rejuvenating passage! You can follow this link >  Psalm 116 < to read the Psalm.

Remember the moment of your salvation and the feelings that came. Today, be reminded of what God has saved you from & use that as a fuel for the passion you have to see others saved- young & old! That's what every Sunday is about for our team! Thank you for making that possible and letting God use you !

Praying for you all today,
Ashley Kingdon

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Perfect Timing

Now may the Lord direct your hearts into the love
of God and into the patience of Christ
2 Thessalonians 3:5 NKJV

Have you ever heard of the bamboo in Japan that only blossoms once every 120 years?
No one knows how it keeps track of time, but we do know that how it’s cared for during the 119 years before it germinates will determine how much the bamboo will bloom in the following year. That’s a long time to wait for results. The people who care for the plant in the beginning won’t even be around to see the glory of the bloom.

In the same way, life doesn’t always blossom on our timetable. Our ways or prayers, or the seed you sow into young families at the way, don’t come as fast as we would like sometimes.
The faith that you have in God’s perfect love and timing, your belief and trust in Him should never waiver just because results are immediate. Ask the Lord for patience and love while you trust in Him for His will in all situations!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A fun thank you I found

Hey Team!
Here is a fun Thank you devotional I thought I would share with you. Enjoy!

Hebrews 6:10
 God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.

Volunteers are special people, especially those who volunteer for church activities and events. Those events are geared to share Christ and the gospel. What better way to spend your time and energy than in something with lasting benefits. Volunteering for the service of Christ has eternal rewards.

Although we know Christ will remember these wonderful people that volunteer when they get to heaven, it's also a great idea to honor them and thank them here on earth as well. 

  • Thanks for Stepping Up.
    Everyone doesn't step up to the task. Volunteers are special. They get involved and don't stay sitting in the pew.
  • Thanks for Sharing in the Responsibilities.
    When everyone works together for a common goal, it lightens the load.
  • Thanks for Caring for Others. 
    When someone volunteers it shows they care. They show that compassion like Christ had.
  • Thanks for Your Diligence.
    Volunteers willingly use their hands for service. They do the hard work. Most of the time work that no one else will do.
  • Thanks for Your Dedication.
    Volunteers care about the details. They are conscious of what they are doing and concerned about seeing that their tasks get done.
  • Thanks for Seeing the Vision.
    Volunteers see the outcome. They know they are working for a purpose. They see the end result as being for the glory of the Lord.

Going back to Hebrews 6:10 it says that God's not going to forget those who have served Him. I don't think we should forget either.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Welcome new FLM Volunteers!

We have added to our team! Please make sure to welcome those new faces to our Family Life Ministry Team!

As our wonderful church family continues to grow and grow please join me in praying for our Volunteer Team to grow!

Be encouraged to know that what you do IS making a difference. These kids are going home and teaching mom & dad about the goodness of a God who created everything!

"He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth fruit in it's season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper." Psalm 1:3 NKJV

As much as you give to the kids and our church remember to fill up again with God's words. It's the living water, life source, to us who serve so we can be like a tree that bears fruit and gives shade and peace to those around you!

Thank you for all you do!
Ashley & The Way Church Staff

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Blessing

When I was younger, my grandmother would give me rides to school or work or the mall but she wouldn't let me out of the car until she said this prayer over me.

"May the Lord bless you and protect you.
May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you.
May the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace."
                                  Number 6 24-26

Now at the time I would realize the car was coming to a stop and I'd try to jump out as fast as I can so my friends wouldn't see me in her old ratty car that we named freckles because of all the chipped paint.

Looking back I can't imagine how many times she quoted, or sang or yelled that verse over me as I was rushing to get away. I'll never know how many things the Lord protected me from, blessed me with, and times He gave me peace because of my grandmother praying for me, bringing me before God and asking Him to take care of me.

Everyone might not have a grandmother to pray for them or a mom or a dad who knows to ask God to bless their life SO
               STOP NOW
                               and pray for a child from our church and their family and ask God to take care of them! You never know how it will effect their important walk with God!
Thank you for serving! I am saying a prayer for you all today.

Love & all the best,