Thursday, September 8, 2011

Perfect Timing

Now may the Lord direct your hearts into the love
of God and into the patience of Christ
2 Thessalonians 3:5 NKJV

Have you ever heard of the bamboo in Japan that only blossoms once every 120 years?
No one knows how it keeps track of time, but we do know that how it’s cared for during the 119 years before it germinates will determine how much the bamboo will bloom in the following year. That’s a long time to wait for results. The people who care for the plant in the beginning won’t even be around to see the glory of the bloom.

In the same way, life doesn’t always blossom on our timetable. Our ways or prayers, or the seed you sow into young families at the way, don’t come as fast as we would like sometimes.
The faith that you have in God’s perfect love and timing, your belief and trust in Him should never waiver just because results are immediate. Ask the Lord for patience and love while you trust in Him for His will in all situations!